
Collagen Induction Therapy

Are you looking to improve your skin’s texture and tone? Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a minimally invasive treatment that can help rejuvenate your skin and address various skin concerns.


Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a minimally invasive advanced skin rejuvenation treatment that stimulates the skin to produce collagen and growth factors, effectively improving the skins tone & texture.
The treatment involves the gentle use of a device over the desired area which creates thousands of controlled micro injuries to your skin, encouraging it to regenerate and repair itself, producing new collagen.
Microneedling can address concerns such as acne scarring, pigmentation issues, fine lines, wrinkles, and large pores. The results can be truly spectacular.

How many treatments are needed?

A course of 3 treatments is recommended for optimal results, repeated every 4-6 weeks
Each treatment also includes an enzyme peel and ice globe therapy


microneedling skin therapy


Microneedling £90
or you can book a course of three for £210 or a course of six for £450

Get in Touch


25 Helsinki Way, Dereham, NR19 1XU



07368 862611



Monday: 9am – 7pm
Tuesday: 7.45am – 5.30pm
Wednesday: 7.45am – 5.30pm
Saturday: 7.45am – 5.30pm